Black Caucus of the United State
Por Hugo Llorens
Ex Embajador en Honduras
America's predicament at this
moment is truly lamentable. We have an Administration who has badly managed the COVID-19 pandemic leading to a situation that with only 4.5% of the world's population we account for a staggering 30% of all COVID cases and 30% of all deaths from the virus. Meanwhile, we have a systemic problem of police abuse of citizens, particularly against our Black population. The recent apparent murder by Minneapolis Police officers of George Floyd is the latest example and has triggered a massive social explosion across America. While no one can defend the looting and the burning, and the law should be applied clinically and harshly against the those who are bent on destroying property, the time has long past for America's political leaders to tolerate criminal police violence against our people. Unfortunately, we have a gaping leadership hole in our country. We have a President, who is President in name only. He is really a tribal chieftain leading his tribe against his enemies who are everyone else. Meanwhile, America's unique trademark as the world's preeminent democracy, and a unique beacon of freedom and opportunity has been obliterated, evidenced by the massive protests in every corner of the world against the breakdown of our system of justice. America's capacity to maintain some semblance of unity of purpose will only be achieved when we have a change in leadership in Washington. We urgently need leaders who irrespective of their personal political views will truly represent all of us!
Ex-Embajador Norteamericano acreditado en Honduras entre 2008-2010, Hugo Llorens, relaciona en su escrito, los desaciertos de la actual administración Federal; desde el ineficiente manejo de la Pandemia por el COVID-19 hasta los discursos confrontativos y “Dominantes” de Donald Trump, ante la muerte de un hermano Afroamericano por causa de la brutalidad policial, algo que pone en peligro los principios de Libertad y democracia que enarbola el País del Norte.
El embajador Llorens seguramente está versado en su propia experiencia de cuando fungió como National Security Advisor (United States), periodo en que desaparecieron jóvenes negros en circunstancias sospechosas. Sea como sea agradecemos que más voces se sumen y repudien los actos de violencia racial.